Department of Educational Administration


Date of this Version

Spring 5-2010

Document Type



A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts, Major: Educational Administration Student Affairs, Under the Supervision of Professor James V. Griesen. Lincoln, Nebraska: May, 2010
Copyright (c) 2010 Jay A. Fennell Major: Educational Administration Student Affairs Under the Supervision of Professor James V. Griesen Lincoln, Nebraska May, 2010 Copyright 2010 Jay A. Fennell


This study explored the undergraduate experiences of student affairs professionals and how those experiences impacted their decision to enter the student affairs profession. The study explores how student affairs professionals perceived their undergraduate experiences and how this time in their lives impacted their career decision, their career path, the way they interacted with students as professionals and what they do as student affairs professionals to encourage students to enter the field. Three themes emerged in this study: (a) The importance of campus involvement, (b) mentor relationships, and (c) encouraging students to enter student affairs. The results of this study help student affairs educators and practicing professionals to better understand what leads individuals to choose a career in student affairs and how professionals can better recruit students to the field.
