Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of


Date of this Version



Published in Communications, 1997. ICC 97 Montreal, 'Towards the Knowledge Millennium'. 1997 IEEE International Conference on Volume 2, 8-12 June 1997 Page(s):899 - 903. Copyright 1997 IEEE.


We propose a method to partially suppress ISI and MAI for US SS CDMA schemes in wireless LANs. The method can be regarded as an alternative approach to combat ISI and in particular MAI by the use of advanced multiuser detection. Instead of using very sophisticated detectors, we propose introduction of a simple modification to the carrier waveform which results in very substaiitial reduction in cross-correlation belween users and an off-peak auto-correlation. The method can be applied to any DS SS CDMA scheme, but should be particularly useful in the case of short spreading signatures, as is the case of WLANs
