Computer Science and Engineering, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version



IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, pp. 2-12. arXiv:2301.06991v1


Used by permission.


A Metaverse is a perpetual, immersive, and shared digital universe that is linked to but beyond the physical reality, and this emerging technology is attracting enormous attention from different industries. In this article, we define the first holistic realization of the metaverse in the mobility domain, coined as “metamobility”. We present our vision of what metamobility will be and describe its basic architecture. We also propose two use cases, tactile live maps and meta-empowered advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), to demonstrate how the metamobility will benefit and reshape future mobility systems. Each use case is discussed from the perspective of the technology evolution, future vision, and critical research challenges, respectively. Finally, we identify multiple concrete open research issues for the development and deployment of the metamobility.
