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The Hesitations of Adult Professionals to Serve as Career E-Mentors for Youth
The purpose of this study was to understand the reasons adult professionals might hesitate to serve as a youth career e-mentor. The study explored the personal experiences of 93 adult professionals with mentors during their high school, college, and professional years. The participants in this study were from the Omaha metro area and represented 46 industries and professions. Participants responded by Likert scale to statements about their experiences with mentors as well as their willingness and hesitations to serve as youth career e-mentors. Quantitative data was analyzed using T-test statistical analysis. In addition, all participants were asked to respond via essay response to two statements following the Likert scale portion of the survey. These open-answer responses were analyzed qualitatively by traditional coding and organized into themes in order to better understand the perceptions regarding youth career e-mentoring.
Subject Area
Educational administration|Educational technology
Recommended Citation
Stephens, Melissa M, "The Hesitations of Adult Professionals to Serve as Career E-Mentors for Youth" (2016). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI10096904.