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Creating visual educational tools for ESL adult learners involved in public health programs
This study investigated ESL adult understanding of health information pamphlets using colored clip art images to that of culturally related digital photos and animations delivered via a laptop computer. This information was analyzed to identify factors that served to encourage or discourage outreach workers use of digital presentations during home visits, the data was used to develop guidelines to assist administrators and staff in expanding the use of information technologies in public health programs. The population of the study consisted of 72 female Vietnamese and Hispanic clients involved in the Lincoln-Lancaster Health Department Healthy Holmes Program and 3 Healthy Homes outreach workers. A pre-post test questionnaire was given to the clients of both treatment methods, and interviews were conducted with the outreach workers involved in this project. The quantitative section failed to provide a definitive conclusion due to small sample size, however, use of the visual message in conjunction with information technology provide a treatment method equal to the currently used paper pamphlet. The qualitative data of this research in the context of the qualitative data provides for a case to be made for the implementation of visual message presentation via laptop computers. The high face value attached to using graphic presentation in conjunction with information technologies creates an environment which is enthusiastic and positive for the outreach worker. This is important when placed in context with staff members who are often over scheduled with client appointments as well as lacking support resources to assist them during their duties. Even the most effective treatment methods will have little chance of success if they are poorly implemented.
Subject Area
Curriculum development|Health education|Public health|Continuing education|English as a Second Language
Recommended Citation
Johnson, Christopher Lee, "Creating visual educational tools for ESL adult learners involved in public health programs" (2001). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3004614.