"Computer -based creativity training: Training the creative process" by Lisa Marie Kobe

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Computer -based creativity training: Training the creative process

Lisa Marie Kobe, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this research was threefold: (a) to determine whether training the creative problem-solving process using computer-based training is effective for increasing creative problem-solving performance, (b) to determine whether training the overall creative problem-solving process or training one important stage of the process (problem construction) results in higher creative problem-solving performance, and (c) to determine whether knowledge of creativity strategies, practice of creativity strategies, or a combination of these two training components produces higher creative problem-solving performance. There were 118 students who completed the training. Results showed that participants who were trained in creative problem solving performed better on a learning task, on a creative problem-solving task, and on a problem-construction task than did participants who were not trained in creative problem solving. Individuals who received complete creative problem-solving training (CPS) performed well on the problem-solving task. Individuals who received problem-construction-only training (PC) performed well on the problem-construction task. Individuals who received CPS training that included both knowledge and practice and individuals in the CPS training who received knowledge only performed the best on the knowledge test. Contrary to expectations, the CPS knowledge and practice group and the PC knowledge and practice group did not outperform the other conditions on each dependent measure. Overall, results suggested that training the creative problem-solving process using a computer-based training program was effective; however, the most effective combinations of training component (knowledge and practice) and training content (entire CPS process or one process) differed depending on which criterion was assessed.

Subject Area

Occupational psychology|Educational technology|Industrial arts education

Recommended Citation

Kobe, Lisa Marie, "Computer -based creativity training: Training the creative process" (2001). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3022642.
