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E -engineering and inter -organizational relationships: An empirical study
This is an empirical study of E-engineering based inter-organizational relationships and their impact on organizational performance. The rapid digitalization and globalization that is going on today have necessitated a new and revolutionary organizational innovation. This organizational innovation seeks drastic improvements much like BPR (business process reengineering) did in the 1990s, except to a much greater in degree in both scope and speed. Referred to as E-engineering, it requires that the organizations reinvent the way they do business such that they fully incorporate the advantages of the Internet. E-engineering involves significant changes in three areas: interpersonal relations (internal, external, vertical, and horizontal); interfunctional processes; and interorganizational relationships. While all three areas offer benefits to the organization, I believe that interorganizational collaborations that encompass and take advantage of the Internet offer the greatest potential and the greatest challenge. Many anecdotal stories relating the benefits and changes in the ways in which organizations enter into relationships and cooperate with each other are available. However, an empirical study supporting these anecdotal stories has not yet been conducted. Several hypotheses were developed to determine the impact of the Internet on: the frequency and opportunity to engage in interorganizational relationships; the importance and obtainability of selection criteria used by organizations to select their partners; the quality of relationships with partners, customers and professional communities; and the effect on overall organizational performance. To test these hypotheses, data were collected from a cooperative effort of the Gallup Organization and UNL. Results indicate the Internet has increased: the frequency of interorganizational activities and provided more opportunities for finding partners regardless of the type of interorganizational relationship sought; and the overall importance of the selection criteria used to find partners and made it easier to achieve them. The Internet has intensified the qualitative aspects of relationships with partners, customers, and professional communities. These changes have played a major role in increasing overall organizational performance. In-depth discussions regarding these results were conducted and the implications for academicians and practitioners were presented.
Subject Area
Management|Industrial engineering|Information Technology|Engineering
Recommended Citation
Trimi, Silvana, "E -engineering and inter -organizational relationships: An empirical study" (2001). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3022669.