"The transformation of teaching approach from a face -to -face classroo" by Nuanpachong Chanchaem

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The transformation of teaching approach from a face -to -face classroom to an online classroom

Nuanpachong Chanchaem, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The study purpose was to investigate the use of teacher-centered and learner-centered approaches as instructors change a face-to-face classroom course to an online delivery course, and the related factors that encourage the use of a learner-centered approach in online teaching. The survey instrument consisted of the Principals of Adult learning Scale (PALS) and related factors: (a) teaching experience, (b) learning about teaching, and (c) faculty's intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors to teach an online class. Faculty at one midwest Land-Grant University, fall semester 2001 were the target audience. The study group was limited to faculty who had adapted a face-to-face course to an online course in which all course requirements had been delivered online and students were not required to meet on campus during the semester. Thirty-nine qualified for the study; 92% completed the survey. The majority of the faculty who teach online classes are in the area of education, applied sciences, and humanities. They teach graduate level classes; are full-time with tenured status; and have taught more than 10 years. When instructors go online with their courses, they use less inclusive activities to assess student needs, but they are more likely to integrate activities that build a climate for learning and allow more flexibility for personal development. Faculty who are intrinsically motivated to teach an online class use more learner-centered teaching approaches than those who are extrinsically motivated. Online instructors should include more: (a) activities to assess student needs and experiences, and involvement them in planning class activities; and (b) strategies to know more about students. Delivering courses online can be a way to help higher education shift from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered. To encourage faculty to adopt online instruction, universities should emphasize the intrinsic motivational factors. For further study: (a) develop new teaching style test for online class; (b) use other populations; (c) use a larger sample size; and (d) explore online teaching in other culture.

Subject Area

Adult education|Educational technology|Higher education

Recommended Citation

Chanchaem, Nuanpachong, "The transformation of teaching approach from a face -to -face classroom to an online classroom" (2001). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3034369.
