"Parenting styles, parental school involvement beliefs, and parental ac" by Christina J Kessler

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Parenting styles, parental school involvement beliefs, and parental activities: Influential factors in the development of kindergarten readiness

Christina J Kessler, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this survey study was to investigate the relationships of parenting style, parental school involvement beliefs, parental activities and kindergarten readiness. Two hundred and one kindergarten children and his or her parent or guardian participated in this study of: (1) The relationships of parenting style and kindergarten readiness; (2) The relationship of parents' school involvement beliefs and kindergarten readiness; (3) The relationship of parental activities and kindergarten readiness; (4) Whether parental style influences the effectiveness of parental school involvement beliefs on kindergarten readiness; and (5) Whether parental style influences the effectiveness of parent activities on kindergarten readiness. Results indicate that authoritarian and permissive parenting are negatively related to kindergarten readiness, home-school conferencing involvement beliefs are positively related to kindergarten readiness and weekly parental activities are positively related to kindergarten readiness. In addition, this study found that parenting style influences the effectiveness of home-school conferencing involvement beliefs and monthly activities on kindergarten readiness. This study furthered the parenting style and the parental involvement literature by providing evidence that parenting style provides a context for the effectiveness of parental involvement and parental activities on kindergarten readiness.

Subject Area

Educational psychology|Early childhood education|Individual & family studies

Recommended Citation

Kessler, Christina J, "Parenting styles, parental school involvement beliefs, and parental activities: Influential factors in the development of kindergarten readiness" (2002). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3045522.
