"The differences in the reasons and issues impacting the implementation" by Dara Dee Mlinek

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The differences in the reasons and issues impacting the implementation of technology-based distance education courses and programs as identified by department chairs using the Biglan Model

Dara Dee Mlinek, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine: (1) the reasons identified by department chairs for implementing technology-based distance education courses and programs within their departments based upon their classification in the Biglan Model, (2) the issues identified by department chairs as impacting the implementation of distance education courses and programs within their departments based upon their classification in the Biglan Model, and (3) to what extent, if any, reasons, and issues identified by department chairs as impacting the implementation of distance education courses and programs, varied by dimensions as identified in the Biglan Model. The first section of the research addressed the “reasons for implementation,” the “issues impacting implementation,” and differences found based upon their departmental classification in the Biglan Model: Hard and Soft Sciences, Pure and Applied Sciences, and Life and Non-life Systems (N = 151). The second section utilized a small qualitative piece, which was used for triangulation purposes (N = 23). Department chairs from all three dimensions indicated that the “Desire to provide students with greater access,” the “Desire to provide students with greater flexibility,” the “Desire to reach new markets,” and the “Availability of technology” were the dominant reasons for implementing distance education. Significant differences were found for the reasons of “Availability of technology” in the Hard and Soft Sciences dimension and the “Belief that change in delivery was needed” in the Pure and Applied Sciences dimension. Implementation issues related to technology, faculty, and direction setting revealed the most impact on the department. Significant differences were found for the issues: “Provision for consortia/partnerships,” “Faculty incentives,” and “Sense of learning community” for departments classified in the Hard and Soft Sciences dimension; “Student to student interaction” for departments classified in the Pure and Applied Sciences dimension; and “Access to library and instructional material” and “Sense of learning community” for departments classified in the Life and Non-life Systems.

Subject Area

Higher education|Educational software

Recommended Citation

Mlinek, Dara Dee, "The differences in the reasons and issues impacting the implementation of technology-based distance education courses and programs as identified by department chairs using the Biglan Model" (2002). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3045526.
