"The perceptions of community members about school -community engagemen" by Sara Elizabeth Landgren

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The perceptions of community members about school -community engagement with a high -achieving public high school

Sara Elizabeth Landgren, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of 12 community members who were engaged with a nationally recognized public high school and to describe their perceptions of their school engagement experience. Qualitative research procedure, specifically that of case study research, was used. Four themes emerged from the study; (1) the importance of education and school engagement in the community, as informants referred to an unwritten rule or perception about engagement that appeared to characterize the community—support the school and its programs, (2) school community engagement as a component of good parenting, as informants shared that engaging with the school was an important component to being a good parent, as was being involved with their students' lives and activities, (3) the availability of engagement opportunities, as all 12 informants believed that if one wanted to engage with the school, opportunities were present, and (4) the importance of a welcoming climate projected by the school regarding engagement as informants felt welcomed and encouraged to become engaged with the high school.

Subject Area

Educational administration

Recommended Citation

Landgren, Sara Elizabeth, "The perceptions of community members about school -community engagement with a high -achieving public high school" (2002). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3059954.
