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Effects of an interactive CD -ROM training program on pre -service teachers' ability to qualitatively analyze the volleyball overhand serve
The purpose of this experimental study was to examine the effects of an interactive CD-ROM training program on pre-service teachers' ability to qualitatively analyze the volleyball overhand serve. A second purpose was to examine the retention effect of an interactive CD-ROM training program on pre-service teachers' ability to qualitatively analyze the volleyball overhand serve after a 30-day delay. Sixty-seven pre-service teachers of motor skills were randomly assigned to either an interactive CD-ROM training group or a traditional instruction group. Both groups completed the same pretest, posttest, and retest, which were the same test, the CD-ROM testing program. The CD-ROM testing program consisting of 30 multiple-choice questions with a corresponding video clip performance of the volleyball overhand serve skill. There were two independent variables: group and time. The group variable had two levels, traditional instruction and CD-ROM training. There were three levels for the time variable which was a repeated measure: pretest, posttest, and retest. The dependent variable was the total number of correct answers selected on the CD-ROM testing program. The research study used a mixed-model analysis of variance (ANOVA) design. The alpha level was 0.05. The mixed-model ANOVA results revealed significant main effects for the time factor. No significant group by time interaction was found. The main effect of the group factor was not significant. A Scheffé post-hoc procedure was conducted to examine all pairwise comparisons involving the time factor. A significant mean difference was found between the pretest and the posttest and between the pretest and the retest for both groups. The following conclusions were found: (a) both traditional instruction and CD-ROM training improved pre-service teachers' ability to qualitatively analyze the volleyball overhand serve skill and (b) both traditional instruction and CD-ROM training improved pre-service teachers' retention ability to qualitatively analyze the volleyball overhand serve skill after 30 days.* *This dissertation is compound (contains both a paper copy and CD as part of the dissertation). The CD requires the following system application: QuickTime.
Subject Area
Physical education|Teacher education
Recommended Citation
Sloan, Judy L, "Effects of an interactive CD -ROM training program on pre -service teachers' ability to qualitatively analyze the volleyball overhand serve" (2003). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3092611.