"“I do not apologize for the length of this letter”: Mari Sandoz and Na" by Kimberli Ann Lee

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“I do not apologize for the length of this letter”: Mari Sandoz and Native American rights, 1950–1965

Kimberli Ann Lee, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Nebraskan author Mari Sandoz wrote thousands of letters during her lifetime, in addition to the seventeen books she authored about the Great Plains. This dissertation is an edited version of selected letters she wrote that deal specifically with Native American Rights issues during the 1950s and early 1960s. Sandoz was particularly interested in Native American self-determination, dispelling stereotypes about Native Americans, and encouraging young Native writers and artists.

Subject Area

American literature

Recommended Citation

Lee, Kimberli Ann, "“I do not apologize for the length of this letter”: Mari Sandoz and Native American rights, 1950–1965" (2003). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3102570.
