"The potential of glyphosate resistance in common turfgrass weeds and a" by Ryan Michael Goss

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The potential of glyphosate resistance in common turfgrass weeds and associated management problems

Ryan Michael Goss, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The development of glyphosate resistant turfgrasses is forthcoming and prior to its widespread use, a comprehensive review of potential management and environmental concerns must be thoroughly investigated. The objectives of these experiments were to (1) determine the glyphosate rate response to selected turfgrass weed species from various populations; (2) determine the fate and post-application activity of clippings collected from creeping bentgrass receiving glyphosate application and then applied to glyphosate susceptible turfgrass, and (3) determine potential glyphosate tolerance shifts of various weed populations in which the previous generation was exposed to glyphosate. The experiments indicate weed populations vary in inherent glyphosate tolerance and the glyphosate rates required to prevent survival of any species investigated were higher than previously reported. Glyphosate tolerance levels change from one generation to the next in response to glyphosate treatment. Clippings collected from turfgrasses receiving glyphosate applications retain herbicidal activity after application to susceptible species. Results from these experiments indicate continued research will be required to monitor and understand turfgrass weed responses in a glyphosate resistant turfgrass system. In addition, new techniques and management strategies will have to be developed to prevent development of tolerant weed populations and to the adjacent turf and vegetation without forsaking any turfgrass quality.

Subject Area

Agronomy|Plant propagation

Recommended Citation

Goss, Ryan Michael, "The potential of glyphosate resistance in common turfgrass weeds and associated management problems" (2003). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3116574.
