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Efficacy of the student teaching triad on student teacher technology use

Deborah J Weitzenkamp, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this survey study was to examine the impact that the student teachers' perception of the cooperating teachers' and the college supervisors' technology facilitation have upon the student teachers' self-reported use of technology. Four aspects of the student teachers' perception of the cooperating teachers' and college supervisors' technology facilitation were studied: (a) technology comfort level, (b) technology expectations, (c) technology knowledge and skills, and (d) technology mentoring. The population for the study included all students enrolled in the student teaching semester at two mid-western post-secondary teacher education institutions. Ninety-two percent of the student teachers completed the survey (N = 127). Demographic findings from the survey suggest no significant differences (p > .05) on the basis of gender, post-secondary institutional affiliation, or cooperating school size. Significant differences were noted among the student teachers between 19 and 23 years old, and those 34 or over on their perception of cooperating teachers' technology knowledge and skills, p = .035. Additionally student teachers between the ages of 34 or over differed significantly from student teachers 19–23, and 29–33 years of age on their perceptions of the cooperating teachers' technology mentoring, p = .020. Significant differences were also noted between secondary endorsements and (a) elementary, and (b) K–12 endorsements on student teacher technology use, p < .005. Student teachers were asked to identify how many hours per week they spent using technology. Overall, student teachers reported using technology for 4.8 hours in the classroom (SD = 4), 6.4 hours for classroom preparation (SD = 2.9), 2.8 hours for professional development (SD = 2.5). True stepwise multiple regression was used to analyze the four aspects of student teacher perceptions of their cooperating teacher and college supervisor. These variables suggest that a model including the student teachers' perception of the college supervisors' technology comfort level (CSC) and the cooperating teachers' technology expectations (CTE) accounted for 22.7% of the variance in student teacher technology use scores, F (2, 116) = 18.36, p < .005. These findings suggest that the student teaching triad does influence student teachers' use of technology.

Subject Area

Teacher education|Educational technology

Recommended Citation

Weitzenkamp, Deborah J, "Efficacy of the student teaching triad on student teacher technology use" (2004). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3159568.
