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Integrity of SAT interventions: Relationship of components to student outcomes

Stacy Kosse, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This study examined the degree to which the recommended problem solving components were present in 'Student Assistance Teams' (SATs). Student outcomes in response to these SAT components were also evaluated. Four schools from a Midwestern Plains district participated in this study. The documentation for 158 SATs was reviewed. The mean integrity scores for the eight components showed that overall, the procedure was conducted with moderate integrity. Examination of student outcomes showed that the SATs had a positive impact on student outcomes. Integrity of SAT procedures accounted for 23% of the variance in student outcomes. A positive linear relationship was found between procedural integrity and student outcome. The results of this study revealed a significant relationship between student outcomes and composite ratings for four of the eight components.

Subject Area

Educational psychology

Recommended Citation

Kosse, Stacy, "Integrity of SAT interventions: Relationship of components to student outcomes" (2006). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3223067.
