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Exploring factors that impact success in community college fundraising
This case study examined factors that impact fundraising success through interviews with chief development officers (CDOs) at 12 community colleges that are fundraising leaders. CDOs discussed several factors in their respective colleges’ internal and external environments, as well as key fundraising people and strategies. The researcher found that community college fundraising success requires institutional commitment, beginning with a president who commits adequate resources to fundraising and is personally involved with donors and prospects. CDOs cited the cultivation of individual donors as critical to fundraising success. They believe that community college alumni are beginning to have a philanthropic impact. The researcher cited a state that matches private donations as an example of how public policy can positively impact philanthropy.
Subject Area
Community college education|Education finance|School administration
Recommended Citation
Jones, Para M, "Exploring factors that impact success in community college fundraising" (2008). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3341921.