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Global mindset development during cultural transitions
This dissertation sought to explore two research questions: what is the process of global mindset development and how can it be accelerated? The components that were hypothesized to contribute to global mindset development were cultural self-awareness, cognitive complexity, cultural intelligence, positivity, and suspending judgment. Culturally appropriate behavior served as the outcome of the process. Overall, it was found that a path model with the three main variables of cultural self-awareness, cognitive complexity and cultural intelligence had a strong fit. However, an interaction with positivity and partial mediation of suspending judgment were not supported. The results testing how to accelerate the process were inconclusive, as changes over the duration of the study were not present, likely due to a brief testing period of 10 days. Overall, however, the study is one of the first empirical explorations of global mindset development and its contributions to a budding area of research are discussed, as well as implications for management and future directions.
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Recommended Citation
Clapp-Smith, Rachel, "Global mindset development during cultural transitions" (2009). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3360083.