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Explaining perceptions of principal leadership behaviors that enhance middle school teacher self -efficacy: A mixed methods study
Teachers are primarily responsible for the educational achievement of all students. Past research has shown that Teacher Self-Efficacy plays a large role in academic success of students. This study investigates various levels of teacher efficacy and the individual perceptions of teacher in regards to principal leadership behaviors, specifically, at the middle school setting. A mixed methodology approach is used to explore both the quantitative data of two efficacy surveys and qualitative interviews with ten individual teacher volunteer candidates. A sample of 277 survey respondents was obtained on the Bandura's Instrument of Teacher Efficacy and Gibson and Dembo's Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale. Data analysis reveals that there is a difference in teacher efficacy based on gender, degree level, years of experience and socioeconomic status of the school building. Qualitative themes that emerged from the ten interview transcriptions regarding the perceptions of specific principal behaviors that enhance their teaching include: (a) Specific Valued Feedback, (b) Meaningful Support and Trust with Parents and Students, and (c) Active Movement about School and in Classrooms. A mixing of data occurs when two specific survey questions are discussed in regards to individual responses on the survey and statements made during the interview that add depth to these efficacy descriptors. The results of this study and implications for future research are also presented in the final discussion section.
Subject Area
School administration|Secondary education
Recommended Citation
Charf, Michelle R, "Explaining perceptions of principal leadership behaviors that enhance middle school teacher self -efficacy: A mixed methods study" (2009). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3365839.