"Integrative studies in Mongolian small mammal parasite biodiversity" by David S Tinnin

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Integrative studies in Mongolian small mammal parasite biodiversity

David S Tinnin, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Located in the heart of central Asia, Mongolia is a country of great cultural, geological, and biological diversity. Twice the size of Texas, Mongolia contains all the major biomes and associated ecosystems and animal life zones of Eurasia The combination of mountain, steppe, and desert habitat, elevational variability, and extreme ranges in temperature, supports a unique faunal community. Despite this fact, Mongolia is currently grossly under-represented in the mammalian literature when compared to other regions in Asia and, much less is known of the endoparasites and their associated ecology than of their vertebrate hosts. Although a baseline data of small mammal/ parasite biodiversity may have been established, a more complete knowledge of its fauna may enhance our overall understanding of Holarctic mammal-parasite diversification. The following works were carried out in order to better understand the biodiversity of this area, document the distribution of hosts and their parasites, and discover new species from this region. Among the results are the descriptions of 6 new species of parasite, the documentation of 11 new records for the country, as well as 17 new locality records. The results of the research presented here adds considerably to the existing knowledge of the small mammal parasite fauna within Mongolia as well that of Eurasia. It is also indicative of the considerable amount of work still needed to adequately document the fauna of the planet. The work herein is not issued for public and permanent scientific record, or for purposes of zoological nomenclature, is not published within the meaning of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.

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Recommended Citation

Tinnin, David S, "Integrative studies in Mongolian small mammal parasite biodiversity" (2011). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3456221.
