"From spelling to word study: A word study approach for the elementary " by Kelly A Kingsley

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From spelling to word study: A word study approach for the elementary classroom

Kelly A Kingsley, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


A word study approach in a third grade classroom is discussed from the standpoint of the teacher. Developmental spelling, morphological, and content vocabulary instruction are used in this word study approach. Strategies and activities shared in this book draw attention to phonological, orthographic, morphological, and meaning patterns inherent in English spelling. The research, activities, strategies, and modifications shared throughout this text help to enhance the performance of all spellers in the classroom.

Subject Area

Language arts|Elementary education

Recommended Citation

Kingsley, Kelly A, "From spelling to word study: A word study approach for the elementary classroom" (2012). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3494721.
