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A new approach to middle school reading intervention balancing self-determination and achievement
While research on Response to Intervention (RTI) has focused almost exclusively on elementary education, an increasing number of middle and high schools are adopting this framework as a way to match student needs with instruction that accelerates academic growth. Without age-appropriate models, curriculum, or interventions, secondary schools often attempt to simply replicate elementary practices with limited success. These attempts typically take a prescriptive approach to reading instruction for struggling below-grade-level readers. However, this self-study examines how one research-practitioner designed, implemented, and modified a middle school Tier II RTI reading course with the goal of improving student self-determination as well as reading achievement. The course fostered self-determination via promoting autonomy, relatedness, and self-competence while using individual literacy stations and small group instruction to grow reading achievement. The study offers a fresh approach to working with struggling middle school readers and highlights the tensions between theory and practice and between teacher control and student autonomy.
Subject Area
Middle School education|Educational psychology|Teacher education|Literacy|Reading instruction
Recommended Citation
Mancini-Marshall, Amanda M, "A new approach to middle school reading intervention balancing self-determination and achievement" (2014). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI3632476.