"The Efficient and Effective Use of Time by Full-time, Qualified Elemen" by WILLIAM LUVERNE LITTLE

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The Efficient and Effective Use of Time by Full-time, Qualified Elementary School Principals

WILLIAM LUVERNE LITTLE, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The position of the elementary school principal has undergone many significant changes during the last century with forces combining to broaden the domain of his work and to challenge his imagination and leadership.In reviewing the evolution of the position of the elementary school principal, it is noted that it emerged about a century ago. It is a relatively new capacity in comparison to the high school position. According to Ensign, 1 the capacity of the high school principalship had its beginning with James Sturm of Strassburg, Germany, in the sixteenth century.

Subject Area

Educational administration

Recommended Citation

LITTLE, WILLIAM LUVERNE, "The Efficient and Effective Use of Time by Full-time, Qualified Elementary School Principals" (1958). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI5803779.
