"The Effectiveness of Procedures Used in School Building Programs in Ne" by THOMAS NEIL KEATING

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The Effectiveness of Procedures Used in School Building Programs in Nebraska

THOMAS NEIL KEATING, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Of all the activities in which the American people engage as they live and work together in their local communities, counties, and states, per- haps none expresses in material form, so many aspects of our culture as school-building con-struction.The above statement from the opening chapter of Planning America's School Buildings paraphrases the belief of the investigator of this study that school house construction problems are among the most important problems facing community schools in an era of concern about education. However, as important as school building construction 18, it is a fact that many school bond issues which are placed before the voters fail to win approval. There are undoubtedly many reasons for failure of these school bond issues. Among them are the competition for the tax dollar by the several taxing agencies and the failure of the public relations program to keep the citizens properly informed.

Subject Area

Educational administration

Recommended Citation

KEATING, THOMAS NEIL, "The Effectiveness of Procedures Used in School Building Programs in Nebraska" (1963). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI6405525.
