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Charles E. Bessey: Land-grant College Professor
President James A. Garfield once remarked that "the ideal college is Mark Hopkins on one end of a log and a student on the other." 1 Garfield’s one sentence description of the old-time American college is perhaps more accurate than it first appears. Higher education in America from its inception during the colonial period, through the late nineteenth century, was never meant to serve the masses. The old-time college, with its classical curriculum, buttressed by faculty psychology, was intended as a training ground for ministers and political leaders. The study of science or any subject that smacked of vocationalism was outlawed. The old-time college was a fortress of tradition and a defender of the status q u o.
Subject Area
Education history
Recommended Citation
WALSH, THOMAS RICHARD, "Charles E. Bessey: Land-grant College Professor" (1972). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI7231882.