"Die Spanische Literatur in Deutschland Im Zeitalter Des Barock. Ein Fo" by ERIKA REGINA SEIBERLICH BARTON

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Die Spanische Literatur in Deutschland Im Zeitalter Des Barock. Ein Forschungsbericht

ERIKA REGINA SEIBERLICH BARTON, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The work presented here basically grew out of the search for a possible topic for a doctoral dissertation. Since the beginning of her time at university, the author has studied Spanish language and literature in addition to German studies, so the idea was obvious to choose a field of work that would allow the two to be combined, that is, a topic in comparative literary history. With such an intention, when it comes to German-Spanish relations, one is almost necessarily referred to two periods of German literature: the Baroque and the Romantic period. If one considers the constant influence of French literature on German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day, if one considers the great importance of England in German intellectual life at least since the Enlightenment, then one must admit that Spanish literature in Germany is not anywhere near the same width is represented. In fact, in the words of one of its best experts, Dr. Hermann Tiemann, a "little stream" that only grew into a river twice, namely in the Baroque and Romantic periods. The author was particularly interested in the Baroque, which she believes can be traced back to the suggestions she received in her primary school years from a very esteemed teacher, and through later studies under Professor Dr. Robert Hiller was strengthened and deepened.

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Recommended Citation

BARTON, ERIKA REGINA SEIBERLICH, "Die Spanische Literatur in Deutschland Im Zeitalter Des Barock. Ein Forschungsbericht" (1972). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI7300100.
