"Retirement condition and migration: Determinants of migration decision" by Hee Yong Nam

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Retirement condition and migration: Determinants of migration decision and destination selection among American men, 1973-1983

Hee Yong Nam, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This study examies the relationship between the transition to retirement and migration. Three questions are addressed: (1) holding age, health, socioeconomic status, and other variables constant, does the event of retirement increase migration?; (2) what factors predict which retirees will move?; and (3) what factors predict migrating retirees' choice of destination? These questions are addressed using the 1973-1983 waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Mature Men. The sample for this study is 5,149 event histories observed over five 3-survey cycles. A probit model is used because of its utility in dealing with dichotomous variables. Findings suggest a strong and significant impact of retirement on migration. All other variables equal, the probability of migration is three times higher for those just retiring than for these who are still working. Retiree migration is affected significantly by socioeconomic status and health condition. Destination selection is affected by place of residence prior to retirement and socioeconomic status. Long distance, and especially sunbelt, migrants are strongly predicted by socioeconomic status.

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Recommended Citation

Nam, Hee Yong, "Retirement condition and migration: Determinants of migration decision and destination selection among American men, 1973-1983" (1988). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI8904502.
