"First-year teachers: A study of attrition and related factors, with pe" by Creda Evonne Thompson

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First-year teachers: A study of attrition and related factors, with perceptions of first-year teachers compared to perceptions of supervisors

Creda Evonne Thompson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose for conducting this study was to determine the relationships between: (1) perceptions of first-year teachers and perceptions of supervisors of first-year teachers regarding teaching competencies of entry-year teachers; (2) career plans and first-year teacher perceptions of personal and community-related opportunities; and (3) career plans and first-year teacher perceptions of assistance received. The survey population consisted of the first-year teachers in Nebraska Class III schools during the 1987-88 school term and the supervisors employed in Class III schools in Nebraska assigned to evaluate teaching competencies. Subjects responded to a questionnaire rating teaching competencies in five major teaching functions: instructional planning, instructional skills, classroom management, interpersonal skills, and professional skills. The two groups differed significantly only in their assessments of the teaching competencies of interpersonal skills. The relationships between career plans and six of the personal and community-related variables were significant (social opportunities, recreational opportunities, acceptance by community, availability of support group, and acceptance of peers at the.01 level; religious opportunities at the.05 level). The relationships between career plans and three of the sources of assistance were significant at the.01 level (principal/supervisor, experienced teacher, and college instructor), and the relationships between career plans and three of the areas of assistance were significant at the.01 level (instructional skills, classroom management, and professional skills). Recommendations regarding improvement of the induction process were made, including approaches to mentoring, the provision of latitude to recognize different needs and teaching styles, the consideration of social needs, and the recognition of appropriate teaching assignments for first-year teachers.

Subject Area

School administration|Curricula|Teaching

Recommended Citation

Thompson, Creda Evonne, "First-year teachers: A study of attrition and related factors, with perceptions of first-year teachers compared to perceptions of supervisors" (1988). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI8914089.
