"The effects of supervisee training level and supervisor education leve" by Nancy Helen Bowen

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The effects of supervisee training level and supervisor education level on the state anxiety, trait anxiety, and self-rating of skill of counselors in training

Nancy Helen Bowen, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This study examined the effects of levels of training for counselors-in-training and levels of education for supervisors of those counselors-in-training on the set of dependent measures of state and trait anxiety and self-rating of counseling skills of trainees. Trainee participants completed a pretest and posttest instrument package which included an experimenter-made questionnaire, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Counselor Rating Form, and the Supervisor Rating Form (posttest only). Supervisors completed a posttest instrument containing an experimenter-made questionnaire and the Counselor Rating Form. Twenty-eight sets of trainees and their supervisors completed the instruments. Results of the multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) of the data indicated no trainee by supervisor interaction effects for the set of anxiety and self-rating dependent variables. Multivariate analysis of covariance indicated no significant main effect for either training level or supervisor education level on the set of dependent variables. The results of the study showed no significant differences between groups of trainees or groups of supervisors on the set of anxiety and self-rating scores.

Subject Area

Educational psychology|Academic guidance counseling

Recommended Citation

Bowen, Nancy Helen, "The effects of supervisee training level and supervisor education level on the state anxiety, trait anxiety, and self-rating of skill of counselors in training" (1989). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI8925228.
