"The Virtual Parallel Machine: A dynamically reconfigurable approach" by Thomas Lee Seevers

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The Virtual Parallel Machine: A dynamically reconfigurable approach

Thomas Lee Seevers, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The Virtual Parallel Machine (VPM) is a MIMD approach to coarse grain parallel processing. The VPM utilizes otherwise independent processors on a local area network. Processors that wish to volunteer computing services will contain a program referred to as a TMM. A parallel program containing explicitly parallel constructs is initiated in any one of these idle TMMs. As parallel constructs are encountered, other TMMs are enlisted to execute parallel segments of the program called caselimbs. Caselimbs view the VPM memory structure as logically shared and are computed independently. Caselimbs may in turn contain parallel constructs. When parallel constructs are nested, the VPM grows as a tree. Formation of the VPM and communication between parent and child in the tree is accomplished without specific directives by the programmer. A queuing mechanism is available if the application requires that active caselimbs communicate. The VPM accepts programs written in a low level language called NQL. NQL may be derived from a version of C called ELC. Both ELC and NQL are products of research by Mark Meyer.

Subject Area

Computer science

Recommended Citation

Seevers, Thomas Lee, "The Virtual Parallel Machine: A dynamically reconfigurable approach" (1989). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9023022.
