"The use of dense items, constructed using cognitive error analysis, in" by Elizabeth (B. J.) Johanna Wheeler

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The use of dense items, constructed using cognitive error analysis, in a computerized diagnostic program in mathematics

Elizabeth (B. J.) Johanna Wheeler, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This study sought to apply the theory of dense items to the diagnosis of mathematics problem solving errors. In order to construct dense items, a hand analysis of the errors made on a sample of 231 tests was made. The results were used to construct a 9-item instrument believed capable of diagnosing most of adult students' errors in multiplication of whole numbers. The resulting test was administered to 454 adult and high school remedial students for validation. The diagnosticity (Brown & Burton, 1978) of the test was evaluated using Bart's RIDA system (1986) for assessing items within tests. The items scored well on each of Bart's five indices for semi-density. Of the 454 students, only 29 students (6%) responded inconsistently within a unit. The instrument was thus judged sufficiently high in its ability to diagnose consistent errors. The results were used to construct a computerized version of the instrument that gives students feedback on the number and the nature of their errors after each unit of three items.

Subject Area

Educational evaluation|Educational psychology|Adult education|Continuing education|Mathematics education

Recommended Citation

Wheeler, Elizabeth (B. J.) Johanna, "The use of dense items, constructed using cognitive error analysis, in a computerized diagnostic program in mathematics" (1990). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9121944.
