"Latin American Writers and the Franco Censorship: (1939-1976)" by Gloria Romero Downing

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Latin American Writers and the Franco Censorship: (1939-1976)

Gloria Romero Downing, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


During Francisco Franco's regime in Spain, the government instituted a rigid control over all media of communication, a control which started at the end of the Spanish Civil War and ended in 1976, several months after Franco's death. All Latin American writers whose works were either imported to or edited and published in Spain, suffered its rigors. The effect of the francoist censorship on their work is studied. Extensive archival material found in the Archivos Generales de la Administracion in Alcala de Henares serves as evidence of how the system of censorship functioned. The importation or publication of any work had to receive the approval of the censors. The record of the specific censorship implemented in 453 cases of applications by Latin American authors illustrates the treatment they received. The historical, political, and ideological context in which this system functioned is explored as a background to the study of the censorship applied to literary works of Latin American authors. The part played by the Instituto Nacional del Libro Espanol, and the impact that Spanish exiles of a Republican persuasion had in the development of the Latin American publishing scene are investigated. The effect of censorship on the importation of literary works written by Hispanic American authors is addressed in the context of the Latin American publishing world. The censorship applied to novels (as a genre) of Latin American writers who published in Spain, is studied in depth as a specific example of the evolution of the censorship process during the Franco period. As an example of the impact of the deletions and changes on literary texts, the mutilated work Tres tristes tigres, by Guillermo Cabrera Infante, is examined and a possible reconstruction of the original text is considered.

Subject Area

Latin American literature|Modern literature|Literature

Recommended Citation

Downing, Gloria Romero, "Latin American Writers and the Franco Censorship: (1939-1976)" (1992). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9233399.
