"The effectiveness of CAI and lecture as instructional strategies for t" by Don Paul Ester

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The effectiveness of CAI and lecture as instructional strategies for teaching vocal anatomy and function to undergraduate music students with different learning styles

Don Paul Ester, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This study compared the effectiveness of a computer-assisted instruction and a lecture approach in the teaching of vocal anatomy and function to undergraduate music students with different learning styles. The subjects, 60 undergraduate students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln enrolled in choral ensembles, were assigned to treatment groups via stratification based on college GPA and learning style. All participants were pretested and categorized into learning styles by completing the Gregorc Style Delineator. The effects of the independent variables, teaching method and learning style, on the dependent variable, knowledge of vocal anatomy and function, were analyzed using a two-way analysis of covariance ($\alpha$ =.05) with pretest scores serving as the covariate. Results revealed a significant interaction between instructional approach and student learning style. Abstract learners demonstrated significantly higher achievement when paired with the lecture approach, while concrete learners performed equally well with lecture and CAI instruction.

Subject Area

Music education|Educational software|Anatomy & physiology

Recommended Citation

Ester, Don Paul, "The effectiveness of CAI and lecture as instructional strategies for teaching vocal anatomy and function to undergraduate music students with different learning styles" (1992). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9314397.
