"The relationship between gender, ethnicity, grade-level, lunch status " by Katherine Jo Solomon

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The relationship between gender, ethnicity, grade-level, lunch status and self-concept scores of selected elementary students

Katherine Jo Solomon, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose for conducting this study was to examine the relationship between gender, ethnicity, grade level, lunch status, and self-concept. This study was designed to investigate the self-concept of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students in selected elementary schools within the Omaha (NE) Public School District. Self-concept of students was indicated through the responses given to the 80 items on the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale. Grade level, ethnicity, gender, and lunch status were collected from the same student respondents who provided answers to the Piers-Harris. The sample population included 562 students in eight elementary schools with counselors. Analysis of variance in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to determine if significant differences existed between the dependent variable of self-concept score and the independent variables of gender, ethnicity, grade level, and lunch status respectively. In this study, there was no statistically significant relationship between gender and self-concept, ethnicity and self-concept, grade level and self-concept, and lunch status and self-concept.

Subject Area

Academic guidance counseling|Elementary education

Recommended Citation

Solomon, Katherine Jo, "The relationship between gender, ethnicity, grade-level, lunch status and self-concept scores of selected elementary students" (1993). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9322817.
