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Career stages in the teaching profession: A description of distinguishing characteristics
The concept of teacher career stages holds great promise for educational practitioners guiding decisions on teacher empowerment, staff development, and appropriate management style. Teachers from five secondary high schools in the Omaha, Nebraska area were asked to complete a 70-item survey designed to identify distinguishing characteristics of the various career stages labeled in the Teacher Career Cycle Model developed by the Collegial Research Consortium. Through the use of factor analysis, five characteristics were identified--Enthusiasm towards the teaching profession, Concerns towards the teaching profession, Receptivity to change, Professional Development, and Interactions with parents and students. Through the use of a series of MANOVAs and ANOVAs, significant differences across stages were identified. Finally, the characteristics were tested through the use of discriminant analysis to test the degree of influence and predictive capabilities in placing teachers into career stages. Results showed that (a) all teachers, regardless of stage, were resistant to change, (b) Teachers in the Induction, Competency Building, and Enthusiastic and Growing stages were significantly more enthusiastic towards the teaching profession than Career Stability or Career Frustration teachers, (c) Enthusiastic and Growing teachers are significantly more involved in their professional development than teachers in other stages, and (d) the greatest predictive capabilities regarding stage placement came from the characteristics of Professional Development and Enthusiasm and demographic information regarding age and years of experience.
Subject Area
School administration
Recommended Citation
Casey, James Austin, "Career stages in the teaching profession: A description of distinguishing characteristics" (1994). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9425276.