"Identification of coping strategies used by personality temperament gr" by Larry Lee Andelt

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Identification of coping strategies used by personality temperament groups which facilitate success in high school students

Larry Lee Andelt, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this study was to identify the coping strategies used by successful students with different personality types, at two high schools in Nebraska. All the students from the two selected high schools (9th-12th) in Nebraska were used for this study. The administration and teachers at the schools were contacted and informed about the purpose of the study, they were asked to consent to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (form G) and the Coping Strategy Inventory in one of their class periods. Approximately 500 students participated in the study. The students' grade point average and grade level were obtained from the high schools records. The school received consent from the parents of the students, so information could be released and the instruments could be administrated. The analysis was accomplished through the use of "Statistical Package for the Social Sciences" (SPSS-X). Descriptive statistics were applied to provide frequencies, means, percentages, and standard deviations. Coping strategy factors were determined from the fifty-one coping strategies on the Coping Strategy Inventory, by use of Factor Analysis. Conclusions: (1) Students choose and employ a variety of coping strategies, depending on their temperament and their grade point average. (2) Students can affect their grade point average by their selection of coping strategies. (3) Students with different temperaments have significantly different grade point averages. (4) Approximately 28% of the variance in grade point average, was accounted for by the coping strategies used by students. (5) Sensing-perceiving students have the lowest grade point average among all the temperaments. However; above average Sensing-perceiving students used two coping strategy factors significantly more often than below average Sensing-perceiving students. (6) The types of coping strategies that a Sensing-perceiving student decides to use has a large effect on their grade point average. (7) The types of coping strategies that a Intuitive-thinking student decides to use has a large effect on their grade point average. Recommendations were provided for administrators, advisors, teachers. Recommendations were also suggested for further research.

Subject Area

Education|Educational psychology|Personality

Recommended Citation

Andelt, Larry Lee, "Identification of coping strategies used by personality temperament groups which facilitate success in high school students" (1994). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9430158.
