"Plant p40: Identification, characterization, and developmental regulat" by Margarita Garcia Hernandez

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Plant p40: Identification, characterization, and developmental regulation

Margarita Garcia Hernandez, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


A full-length cDNA clone from Arabidopsis thaliana has been characterized and found to have extensive homology to p40 proteins from other organisms. The cDNA predicts a protein (A-p40) of 298 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 32.5 kDa and a pI of 4.8. Antibodies raised against an A-p40 fusion protein detected a polypeptide of about 40 kDa in Arabidopsis and about 42 kDa to 43 kDa in corn, pea, and soybean. In two-dimensional gel electrophoresis the antibodies detected several acidic isoforms. Arabidopsis p-40 appears to be located in the cytoplasm in two forms: soluble, or tightly associated with 40S subunits and polysomes. The ribosome-associated form does not result from non-specific binding during extraction. Conditions that affected protein synthesis caused variations in the location of p40 in polysome gradients. The spatial and temporal pattern of expression of the protein during development was also determined, as well as the effect of the plant growth regulator IAA on its subcellular location. These results showed changes in the level of expression and/or in the subcellular distribution of p40 in parallel to variations in polysome formation. A regulatory role for p40 in protein synthesis is suggested.

Subject Area

Molecular biology|Botany

Recommended Citation

Garcia Hernandez, Margarita, "Plant p40: Identification, characterization, and developmental regulation" (1995). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9536617.
