"The influence of financial/economic, social/political, demographic and" by Barbara Elaine Elliot-Ross

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The influence of financial/economic, social/political, demographic and education/instruction factors on the attitudes of superintendents and school board members toward school district consolidation in Nebraska

Barbara Elaine Elliot-Ross, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


In 1995, superintendents and school board members from K-12 school districts in Nebraska were surveyed to determine the influence of financial/economic, social/political, demographic, and education/instruction factors on their attitudes toward school district consolidation in Nebraska. Data were collected from 251 superintendents and 198 school board members by means of a written survey developed by the researcher. Mean scores, dependent t-test, Analysis of Variance, Stepwise Multiple Regression and Multivariate Analysis of Variance were used to analyze the eleven research questions in the study. Based on the statistical treatment, the following conclusions appear warranted: (1) Superintendents and school board members agree somewhat that more school district consolidation should occur across the state. (2) As compared to their attitude toward statewide consolidation, superintendents and school board members are significantly less in favor of consolidation involving their own district, which indicates that support for consolidation decreases as it is applied at the local district level. (3) Superintendents are more supportive than are school board members of school district consolidation occurring across the state and consolidation involving their local district. (4) Superintendents perceive the financial/economic and demographic factors as more important influences on school district consolidation than did school board members. School board members perceive the social/political and education/instruction factors as more important influences on consolidation than did superintendents. (5) The more respondents agree with the education/instruction and social/political factors, the less they are in favor of consolidation taking place across the state and at the local district level. (6) The more respondents agree with the financial/economic factor, the more likely they are to favor school district consolidation taking place across the state and at the local district level. (7) Respondents from larger school districts perceive financial/economic issues as more important to school district consolidation as compared to small school districts. (8) Social/political and education/instruction issues become more important in influencing attitude toward school district consolidation as school district size decreases.

Subject Area

School administration

Recommended Citation

Elliot-Ross, Barbara Elaine, "The influence of financial/economic, social/political, demographic and education/instruction factors on the attitudes of superintendents and school board members toward school district consolidation in Nebraska" (1997). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9736929.
