"Inverse problems for singular differential equations" by Jennifer L Mueller

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Inverse problems for singular differential equations

Jennifer L Mueller, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


In this dissertation we consider two inverse problems which arise in singular differential equations posed on unbounded domains. The first is the recovery of a Schroedinger potential $q(x)$ in the singular differential equation$${-}u\prime\prime(x)+(q(x)-\lambda)u(x)=f(x)\quad {-}\infty0\quad x>0$$subject to an initial condition and mixed boundary condition. This equation governs the transport of a chemical tracer through saturated porous media. Based on experimental evidence in the hydrogeology literature we assume D is bounded, continuous, and approaches a constant limit as $x\to\infty.$ The convection-diffusion equation can be written in its variational form, and it can be shown that the forward problem has a unique solution. The inverse problem was studied for the steady-state case, and a new Sinc-Galerkin method was developed to solve the steady-state forward problem. This problem was also formulated as a nonlinear least-squares problem, and the Tikhonov functional was minimized using the Levenberg-Marquardt method.

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Recommended Citation

Mueller, Jennifer L, "Inverse problems for singular differential equations" (1997). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9805519.
