"The perceptions of a long-term urban superintendent following nonrenew" by Julia K Allen

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The perceptions of a long-term urban superintendent following nonrenewal of contract

Julia K Allen, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose for conducting this study was to identify the perceptions of a long-term urban superintendent following nonrenewal of the individual's contract. The superintendent in this study held the position the thirteen years prior to the board of education's decision not to authorize an extension of the contract. This qualitative study was focused on the factors contributing to the individual's longevity and the factors contributing to the individual's nonrenewal of contract. A set of questions was developed for a series of interviews with the superintendent and one interview with the superintendent's spouse. An analysis of the findings indicated annual events such as budget and the superintendent's contract; coupled with factors such as the emergence of the Christian Coalition, the evolving role of the Secretary of the Board of Education, and micromanaging efforts of board members contributed to the eventual nonrenewal of the superintendent's contract. The superintendent identified certain factors that contributed to the thirteen year tenure. Professional treatment of parents, staff. and community sustained a productive working relationship for many years. A focus on the educational role of the superintendent rather than the political role assisted the superintendent in refraining from "cutting deals" with individual board members. However, remaining a "district superintendent" rather than a "board superintendent" was cited by the superintendent as a factor contributing to the nonrenewal of contract. As the micromanaging efforts of the board increased, the superintendent maintained control of the district further straining relationships with the board of education. The findings of this study should be useful to current superintendents and aspiring superintendents.

Subject Area

School administration

Recommended Citation

Allen, Julia K, "The perceptions of a long-term urban superintendent following nonrenewal of contract" (1997). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9815875.
