"Welt, wahrnehmung, wille und der einzug des nichts ins sein: Philosoph" by Thomas Alfred Taylor

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Welt, wahrnehmung, wille und der einzug des nichts ins sein: Philosophisch-hermeneutische ueberlegungen zu Kafkas roman "Das schloss"

Thomas Alfred Taylor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this work is to present and demonstrate an alternative critical approach to Kafka's novel The Castle. In view of the multiplicity, wide divergency and contradictory character of the interpretations of this work, a new, a more comprehensive and conceptual analysis is called for which embraces and reconciles these interpretations in that it concurrently denies the claims to primacy of any given interpretation. A philosophical and conceptual method was selected as one which permits the free crossing into and out of rigid and entrenched schools of thought, picking and choosing cogent points represented by each of these schools. Only on this basis can an approach be arrived at that can contend with the complete breadth and span of Kafka's novel and its reception.

Subject Area

German literature

Recommended Citation

Taylor, Thomas Alfred, "Welt, wahrnehmung, wille und der einzug des nichts ins sein: Philosophisch-hermeneutische ueberlegungen zu Kafkas roman "Das schloss"" (1998). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9912697.
