"Attributional style as a factor in academic department chair communica" by Frank Curtis Daniels

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Attributional style as a factor in academic department chair communication

Frank Curtis Daniels, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of this study was to identify attributional styles (AS) of academic department chairs. Attributional style is the repeatable pattern of personal explanation for other's behavior and was examined through the underlying dimensions of locus of control, stability, controllability, globality, and intentionality. Measurement of these dimensions was accomplished through the administration of the Chair Attributional Style Questionnaire (CASQ). AS results were examined for significant correlations with departmental effectiveness, future departmental effectiveness, attitude toward change, and the effects of positive versus negative scenarios. Significant correlations were found in individual departmental scenarios, most notably for locus of control, stability, and controllability, but did not adequately hold together in a factor analysis to warrant generalized conclusions. Results were sufficiently encouraging in this initial application of attributional style to academic department chairs to suggest the value of further study. Future research will require additional efforts to develop psychometrically sound instrumentation.

Subject Area

Higher education|Educational psychology|Educational administration

Recommended Citation

Daniels, Frank Curtis, "Attributional style as a factor in academic department chair communication" (1999). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9929193.
