"The religious right and its impact on the policy outcomes of three pub" by Paul Mark Landow

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The religious right and its impact on the policy outcomes of three public school boards

Paul Mark Landow, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of the Religious Right (RR) on the policy outcomes of three public school boards in Metropolitan Omaha, Nebraska. The three districts were chosen for study because they represent both urban and suburban schools and had documented RR activity on their boards over the last ten years. This qualitative study analyzed the policy outcomes of the boards by examining documents, media accounts, and conducting interviews with numerous members of the three school communities. Findings include the fact that RR board members helped move their boards toward a more conservative, so called “back-to-basics” curriculum that includes a reemphasis on phonics, greater monitoring of sex education classes and materials, and increased scrutiny of text and library books. However, the most important goals of the RR, including some form of school prayer and vouchers for school choice, remained elusive. In fact, there is no evidence that any of the RR's highest priorities were achieved, which is generally the case when groups attempt to redistribute values and change behavior based on morality politics.

Subject Area

Public administration|Religion|Educational administration

Recommended Citation

Landow, Paul Mark, "The religious right and its impact on the policy outcomes of three public school boards" (1999). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9936763.
