"Parallel task processing of very large datasets" by Phillip Richardson Romig

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Parallel task processing of very large datasets

Phillip Richardson Romig, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This research concerns the use of distributed computer technologies for the analysis and management of very large datasets. Improvements in sensor technology, an emphasis on global change research, and greater access to data warehouses all are increase the number of non-traditional users of remotely sensed data. We present a framework for distributed solutions to the challenges of datasets which exceed the online storage capacity of individual workstations. This framework, called parallel task processing (PTP), incorporates both the task- and data-level parallelism exemplified by many image processing operations. An implementation based on the principles of PTP, called Tricky, is also presented. Additionally, we describe the challenges and practical issues in modeling the performance of parallel task processing with large datasets. We present a mechanism for estimating the running time of each unit of work within a system and an algorithm that uses these estimates to simulate the execution environment and produce estimated runtimes. Finally, we describe and discuss experimental results which validate the design. Specifically, the system (a) is able to perform computation on datasets which exceed the capacity of any one disk, (b) provides reduction of overall computation time as a result of the task distribution even with the additional cost of data transfer and management, and (c) in the simulation mode accurately predicts the performance of the real execution environment.

Subject Area

Computer science|Remote sensing

Recommended Citation

Romig, Phillip Richardson, "Parallel task processing of very large datasets" (1999). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9936870.
