"Troublemakers: Stories" by John Raymond McNally

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Troublemakers: Stories

John Raymond McNally, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Troublemakers: Stories is a collection of short stories. Told from various male points-of-view, with narrators varying in age from twelve to late-thirties, the stories in Troublemakers include such themes as infidelity, violence, crime, and trust. The setting for these stories is primarily the Midwest—Illinois, in particular—and though most of the stories take place in an unnamed rural town, four are set specifically in Chicago's southwest side. The stories are written out of the realist tradition, attempting to capture what novelist John Gardner called “fiction's vivid and continuous dream.”

Subject Area

American literature|Creative writing

Recommended Citation

McNally, John Raymond, "Troublemakers: Stories" (1999). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9942137.
