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Effects of the video case study approach in preparing paramedic preceptors for the role of evaluator
Accurate field evaluations are critical in determining paramedic students' competency to provide patient care. Most educational programs provide minimal preparation for preceptors who conduct field evaluations. The National Paramedic Curriculum does not address the skills needed by evaluators, and requirements to be a preceptor/evaluator vary from state to state. The importance of these issues is indicated by the lack of Emergency Medical Services literature regarding the evaluation process. There is an apparent need to demonstrate the effectiveness of field evaluations based upon: (1) valid performance criteria and (2) consistency (reliability) among evaluators. This study sought to determine the effects of using a video case based teaching approach in preparing paramedic preceptors for the role of evaluator. The research design was experimental using a pre to post test comparison of control versus experimental group to determine the effects of the case based intervention. Pre and post test scores were analyzed using ANOVA. Analysis of the pre- to post test differences revealed significantly higher scores for the experimental group in the categories containing complex behaviors (communication, assessment and knowledge). There was no significant difference between groups in the categories containing simple, easily observed behaviors (reliability and cooperativeness). This study demonstrated that the case study method can foster consistency among evaluators by allowing them to evaluate student behaviors similar to the way they are evaluated in real life. Integrating examples of each rating criteria with the case study method can increase consistency of evaluations among preceptors. This study also sought to determine differences between preceptor and faculty expectations for when students should demonstrate acceptable clinical performance as they progress through the field practicum and the importance placed on characteristics that demonstrate professional role socialization. The research design was survey. Survey categories (general, assessment, intervention and communication skills; professional characteristics) were analyzed using the independent measures t test. There was no significant difference between preceptors and faculty on any of the survey items.
Subject Area
Adult education|Health education
Recommended Citation
Janing, Judith E, "Effects of the video case study approach in preparing paramedic preceptors for the role of evaluator" (1999). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9951297.