"The construction of the learning environment connecting human cognitio" by Ying-Chi Chen

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The construction of the learning environment connecting human cognition to the World Wide Web (the global brain)

Ying-Chi Chen, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


This study described a web-based learning environment for extending human memory and cognition into a shared cognitive space. In addition to the content of the learning environment, the study also focused on the functions of a virtual classroom in active two-way, parallel, and dynamic processing. To implement and realize these functions, a variety of computer technologies were integrated into the virtual classroom, including expert systems and knowledge databases, along with search engines and other Web communication tools. An on-line survey and log file was designed to collect students' cognitive maps implicitly and explicitly. The major goal of the study was to provide a description for effectively restructuring and reorganizing the learning environment by applying engineering principles and integrating educational theories with computer technologies. This study also discussed the major principles of an effective user interface design for decreasing students' learning time and error rate and increasing satisfaction and retention. To develop the technology-rich learning environment on the Web, the Waterfall model was used to visualize and manage the process of developing the learning environment. The declarative content of a technology course was used as an example for implementing and designing a virtual classroom.

Subject Area

Curriculum development|Educational technology|Information science|Cognitive psychology|Educational psychology

Recommended Citation

Chen, Ying-Chi, "The construction of the learning environment connecting human cognition to the World Wide Web (the global brain)" (2000). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9962055.
