"The effects of interorganizational systems on process and structure in" by Preeti Sharma

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The effects of interorganizational systems on process and structure in buyer -seller exchange

Preeti Sharma, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The purpose of the dissertation was to investigate the effects of interorganizational information systems (IOS) in the channels of distribution. More specifically the research was aimed at examining how such systems affected the relationships, switching costs, and the perceived product value between organizations. The operational definition of an IOS included electronic data interchange (EDI) and electronic mail (e-mail). The research context comprised wholesaler-distributor firms. The key respondent for each firm was a purchase executive. The unit of analysis was the firm. The data for the study was collected through a national mail survey after identification of knowledgeable respondents that were involved with suppliers in firms that used IOS with their vendors through a prescreening survey. The study developed the constructs of perceived system quality, perceived goal attainment, changeover costs, and IOS satisfaction for investigating the effects of an IOS. Perceived product value was developed as a construct and used as a dependent variable in this study. The results indicate that the perceived information quality, perceived system quality, and perceived goal attainment were positively related to IOS satisfaction for both systems. Perceived information quality had a stronger relationship with perceived information quality for e-mail users while perceived system quality had a stronger relationship with IOS satisfaction for EDI users. This indicates that these constructs can capture the differences in the use and technology of the systems. Perceived information quality was also related to trust. Total personal communication frequency was significantly related to trust. And trust was significantly related to perceived switching costs while length of system use and IOS satisfaction were not. Unexpectedly, changeover costs were significantly related to perceived switching costs for email users but not for EDI users. Both perceived switching costs and IOS satisfaction were significantly related to perceived product value. Except for the relationship between changeover costs and perceived switching costs, the model held across both systems and should be generalizable to other settings because of scale psychometric properties and the research setting.

Subject Area

Marketing|Management|Business administration|Information Technology

Recommended Citation

Sharma, Preeti, "The effects of interorganizational systems on process and structure in buyer -seller exchange" (2000). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAI9977021.
