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The effectiveness of orthoptic training as a means of remedial instruction in reading

Sarah Virginia Apperson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


It has been said that approximately eighty- five per cent of all of our knowledge comes to us (1) through the medium of vision. However accurate this estimate may be, it is agreed that along with our own highly developed social, economic, and political life has come a rapid increase in the amount of daily reading. For example, the number of publications going into the average home has increased about one hundred (2) and seventy per cent in the past forty years. The private secretary or stenographer in the daily routine of the average office must read five hundred per cent (2) more material then was required in 1900. In the schools, from the kindergarten through the university, the curriculum has undergone a radical change and enrich- ment in step with all of these new economic and social needs. Reading is recognized as a set of highly special- ized skills basic to success in this expanded social order and curriculum.

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Recommended Citation

Apperson, Sarah Virginia, "The effectiveness of orthoptic training as a means of remedial instruction in reading" (1940). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAIDP13655.
