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Structure of prairie vegetation

T. L Steiger, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


The prairies have furnished a fascinating field for study since the days of the early botanical explorations. Notwithstanding numerous studies, how- ever, most of which have been merely descriptive, few quantitative investigations have been made. With the rapid breaking of the prairie as a result of agricultural progress, it seemed that it might entirely disappear before a de- tailed record of its structure had been made. This fact was clearly brought by Dr. J. E. Weaver to the attention of the writer, who is a native of Switzer- land and upon whom the grasslands have made a deep impression. After two years of preliminary studies, intensive work was pursued during 1927 and 1928.

Subject Area


Recommended Citation

Steiger, T. L, "Structure of prairie vegetation" (1929). ETD collection for University of Nebraska-Lincoln. AAIDP14154.
